The following is a list of officers… some legitimate, but most are spoofs that have been “granted” over the years by the Clan Chief.
Dennis C. Strawhun
Clan Chief (aka Proprietor of Clan Inebriated)
Dennis Strawhun (Clan Chief of Clan Inebriated) and main instigator of said Clan.
Lives and works in Carlsbad CA with his wife Kelli and his three children: son Kelden, and daughters Kaitlyn and Sarah.
After 30 years in the plumbing industry, he is now working for the City of Carlsbad.
He has been involved with numerous charitable organizations and is active in the Scottish and Irish communities around Southern California.
His serious endeavors include being one of the co-Founders and Life Members of the Clan Strachan Society. He is an apprentice Mason of the Vista Masonic lodge, and a member of the Guard Ecosse of the Knights Templar.
On his Irish side he is a member of both the San Diego and the North San Diego County Friendly Sons of St Patrick. Dennis was the Smilin’ Irishman for 2006 and rode in the San Diego St Patrick’s Day Parade (the largest St Paddy’s parade west of the Mississippi!)
On the fun side of life, Dennis enjoys participating in the local Scottish Highland games as a Clan Tent Cavalier for both Clan Strachan Society and Clan Inebriated. He enjoys history and travel.
Above all, he enjoys life!
Kelli Strawhun
Clan Queen (aka Proprietor of Clan Inebriated)
Kelli is the wife of Dennis Strawhun (poor girl). She is very active in the community as well as running a houseful of teenagers!
She is a Board Member of Clan Strachan Society, Inc. A member of Knights Templar and helps out with the Friendly Sons of Patrick Events.
Most currently she is the creator and developer of the almost infamous Cosmic Celtic Cure. If you haven’t tried this magical cure, well you need to “Get the Cure”.
Brian “ The Curmudgeon” Towers
Clan War Chief
Every morning when I wake up, I feel like a lion with a thorn in my paw as I
watch the stupidity factor going up daily with both eyes open.
Why did Clan Chieftain Dennis ask me to be his War Chief? Because I go to war every day for my clients. After forty plus years in the music business, this industry will give a man a lot of real-world experience, just the kind of
experience that makes a great War Chief. The kind of man who has seen it all, and can cut through the BS, that is me!!
For those that do not know me yet, yes, I am Scottish, just not 100%. My
Scottish roots start in Stirling Scotland, Wallace Country!! The rest of me is
Italian, so Baciami il culo!!
If you see me at the festivals and games hanging around Clan Headquarters, do not be afraid to say hi. I look mean and I am, as any good war chief should be, but I am always nice the first time, hopefully!!
Buaidh no Bàs! – Victory or Death
Michael “Doc” LaMar, MD Clan Doctor
I live and practice in San Diego. The degree is “M.D.”, not “G.O.D.” ; that is why it’s called “practice” instead of “perfect”.
My ancestors hail from Ireland, Scotland and France. Recent expeditionary evidence points to “Heughhead”, in the Mar Valley in Scotland, as the likely ancestral home.
Degrees in Philosophy, Molecular Biology. Medicine and Blarney. 2007 Smilin’ Irishman in San Diego St. Patrick’s Day Parade & “Irishman of the Year” for Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, NC, San Diego.
Boarded in Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics and Forensics and bartending (by Coors!)
Member: Tribe of Mar, Clan Gordon Society, Clan Strachan Society (Board), Bydand Forever, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (Board), San Diego Law Enforcement Emerald Society, Vasa Order, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Forensic Medical Examiners…that’s enough already!
Principle investigator in the development of the CI beverage christened “Wool-Light” (yup, it looks just like it).
Married to a girl from Sweden. 3 children (“Hades, Pain & Panic”). Large black lab (“Heid”). I can no longer find my garage floor for all the kid’s s*%$ all over.
I like the cool, gray times of the day. Being neither mad dog nor English, I do not go forth in the noon-day son.
I got lost on my way to the Gordon tent at a Highland Games and ended up being inducted into CI. I stayed because these guys were really fun. I don’t know what I am supposed to do as the CI doctor. With this group, I am just glad not to be the CI lawyer!
Eva LaMar, MD (aka: Miss Eva Poppins)
Clan Knit-Wit
I live and practice in San Diego with my husband, “Doc”. I do Hospice and Continuing Care.
I was born and raised in Sweden. I came to America in 1977 and in 2006 I became a citizen! I LOVE this country.
I have degrees in Exercise Physiology and Medicine from UCLA. Michael is tutoring me in Blarney.
I am Boarded in Internal Medicine. I run inpatient Palliative Care, Hospice and Continuing Care Services in a San Diego area hospital.
I am a member of the Tribe of Mar, Clan Gordon Society, Clan Strachan Society, House of Sweden, VASA Order, and this motley crew.
I have a husband with unusually large body parts. As such, I have taught myself to knit Aran Isle style kilt hose for his cows (LARGE calves). Each pair requires an environmental impact statement to be filed for shearing so many sheep at once. This explains the “Knit” part of my Clan title.
The “Wit” part comes from going toe-to-toe for years with the spawn of Irish poets & kings with whom I live. I know Blarney when I hear it and have an answer for nearly all of it!
Needless to say, I am busy with the same brood as cited above. I am learning to Irish dance with my children; someday we may even perform at a CI function.
I carry a black shoulder bag that contains nearly everything known to mankind and was given the additional moniker of “Miss Eva Poppins” for my ability to reach into the bag and come out with whatever the petitioner needed. Due to recent problems with arthritis I have taken out the lamp, coatrack, rug and a few other heavier items.
My husband and I enjoy the same weather, foods, music and friends. We socialize with many of the CI officers. We just can’t figure out why.
Chrisy Orcholski AKA “Surf City Piper”
I’m born and raised in Surf City, USA (Huntington Beach, CA). I’ve played trumpet since I was a kid so when God put the notion to try bagpipes I took to them instantly! I’ve been piping since 2005 and I strive to get better every day. A good piper is a blessing. And as for blessings… Since I kept hanging around the CI tent Dennis threw me a bone and now look at me! I’m “THE” piper for Clan Inebriated! I love to play my pipes for any event: funerals, weddings, birthday parties, bock fests, and especially pub crawls! If you need a piper – just call!
Gary Forsch
Clan SpiritMaster…and purveyor of all things tasty
I am a California native and discovered my Scottish heritage when I saw a marriage license of my Great Grandmother, who was a Scot.
I love scotch whiskey! I joined Clan Inebriated in 2005.
I am a collector of fine whisky’s. so much so that when I share with the Chief he pronounced me Spirit Master. I have single malt whisky at least 12 years old from every whisky producing region of Scotland. Professional tasters point me to the whisky I collect, most of it I get from Scotland
I look forward to sharing with my fellow clan members whenever possible.